NC Military Business Center apponts Greg Sabin to provide federal busness development services to NC companies

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The North Carolina Military Business Center (NCMBC), Fayetteville Technical Community College and Craven Community College have announced the appointment of Greg Sabin as business development specialist. Serving businesses statewide, Mr. Sabin will identify contract opportunities, source them to businesses across the state and provide one-on-one assistance to help businesses compete for, win and grow jobs through federal contracts.

“The business development teams are the heart of the NCMBC,” said NCMBC executive director Scott Dorney. “Greg’s experiences with the federal government, and in particular, with Naval Air Systems Command and the aerospace industry will provide invaluable assistance to North Carolina businesses in winning and successfully executing federal contracts.”

As a member of the NCMBC’s business development team, Sabin will identify future and current federal prime and subcontracting opportunities, identify and notify companies of these opportunities and provide one-on-one assistance to help companies bid on and win contracts. He will specifically identify opportunities advertised from the Defense Logistics Agency Aviation, Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) Fleet Readiness Centers in Patuxent River, Maryland and Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point to include: Station Contracting; ROICC/NAVFAC Cherry Point; Fleet Readiness Center East; Marine Corps Community Services; Naval Clinic; Commissary; Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA). Mr. Sabin will also work with all businesses in his geographic area of responsibility to include the following counties: Beaufort, Carteret, Craven, Hyde, Pamlico, Tyrrell and Washington.

Before joining the NCMBC, Sabin worked for Naval Air Systems Command as a structural design engineer and manufacturing technologist, where he performed design, repair, and modification in-service engineering efforts on Navy aircraft including the AV-8B, V-22, C-130, AH-1, UH-1, F-14, F-18, F-4, A-4, H-53, H-60, H-3, T-45, and H-46. Mr. Sabin supported a wide range of manufacturing projects and also served as a technology development and transition engineer. He is recognized as one of the first engineers to promote and utilize fully digital methods in structural engineering and manufacturing processes.

He was an early adopter of 3D solid modeling (CAD) and was instrumental in the introduction of deployable measuring arms, 3D scanners, and reverse-engineering and design methods for Depot operations to include mold making processes. He was the first NavAir engineer to purchase an additive manufacturing machine and is recognized as an early developer, if not the first proponent of what is now called “The Digital Depot,” which includes a strong emphasis on additive manufacturing processes.

Sabin’s office is located in the Craven Community College Havelock Campus. For full contact information for him, visit: or email him at


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