2011-2012 NC legislative session underway


A new legislative session is underway in NC with Republican majorities in the House and Senate. The House makeup is 68 Republicans to 52 Democrats. The Senate Makeup is 31 Republicans to 19 Democrats. In the previous General Assembly the two margins were exactly reversed.

Henry W. Jones, Jr, Attorney at Law with Jordan, Price, Wall, Ray, Jones and Carleton, says several issues affecting the NC construction industry will be debated in this session. Jones addressed the Associated Builders & Contractors Triad Luncheon in Greensboro last week.

Jones said the new GOP leaders promise to right size state spending, streamline government and improve infrastructure — without extending the $1 billion in tax hikes scheduled to expire in July.

New rules passed by the House and Senate specify a crossover date of Thursday, May 12, meaning most bills, generally not involving the budget, will need to be approved in their chamber of origin by then to be eligible for consideration during the rest of the 2011-2012 session. New House rules limit each representative to 10 public bills.

GOP leaders have promised to consolidate the state’s 345 boards and commissions. Jones warned this could put some construction industry licensing boards out of existence if boards cannot justify their existence. Jones predicts the legislature will look at project delivery systems for public building construction in the state. Stakeholders will offer a variety of opinions about the financing of public-private partnerships. Jones also expects lien and bond law revisions will be debated.

The Associated Builders and Contractors of the Carolinas will host a “Hard Hat” legislative Conference on Wednesday, February 9 to build relationships with state legislators.  Read More.


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