Winston-Salem starts $103.4 million water treatment plant modernization

michelle prevette rw neilson
R.W. Neilson Water Treatment Plant (Photo by Michelle Prevette)

The City of Winston-Salem is preparing to modernize the 48-million-gallon-a-day R.W. Neilson Water Treatment Plant in a $103.4 million project, ENR Southeast reports.

“The project includes dewatering and cleaning of existing raw water reservoirs; modifications to the existing raw water booster pumping station; and modifications to the existing Neilson 1/2 Building,” ENR says. “It will also include raw water meter vault, rapid mix and flocculation basins, sedimentation basins, filters and piping.”

City of Winston-Salem, Attn: Jerry Bates, Purchasing Manager, 101 N. Main St., Winston Salem, 27101. DR#16-00573437.


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