Union organizing activity on rise in Carolinas construction industry: CAGC

cagc pro employer

The Carolinas Associated General Contractors (CAGC) says union organizing activity is on the rise in the Carolinas, and it advises contractors to be “especially vigilant and sensitive to early warning signs of union activity.”

The association issued a news release outlining its concerns after discovering that the Ironworkers Union had filed a petition to organize employers at a site in Chester, South Carolina.

“We also want all our members to be aware that union organizing activity targeting the construction industry is on the rise not just in the Carolinas but across the country,” the CAGC statement issued on Nov. 3 says. “The federal vaccine mandates for federal contractors and those employers with over 100 employees is contributing to the heightened union organizing effort. The publication of the Emergency Temporary Standard from OSHA expected any day now could trigger even more union activity.”

“CAGC stands ready to help our members prepare for union-organizing tactics. CAGC members have access to an array of resources to help keep their companies open shop and avoid labor related legal claims,” CAGC says.

These resources include an initial free legal consultation with Mark Stubley, Attorney Ogletree Deakins, which the association describes as “one of the nation’s top labor attorneys experienced in maintaining a contractor’s union free status.”

“Our Open Shop/Pro Employee webpage provides a number of other downloadable materials that includes a webinar on how to protect your company against union activity.  Members also have access to our Build Your Career program and the CAGC Human Resources Committee’s unmatched expertise on the issue.”

“The Carolinas construction industry is dedicated to our workers, their safety and well-being,” said Tamera Edwards, MB Haynes Corporation, chair of the CAGC HR Committee. “CAGC members go to great lengths to ensure our workers are well taken care of.”

“For more than 100 years, CAGC has been active in successfully keeping the Carolinas construction industry open shop,” the statement says. “We have the resources, training programs and staff to help members maintain a highly skilled workforce, implement an effective open shop program and cultivate a pro-employee atmosphere.”

Members are encouraged to contact Betsy Bailey at (919) 417-1058 or bbailey@carolinasagc.org.


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