Two CAGC leaders take on national AGC leadership roles

Dave Simpson
Dave Simpson

Two leaders of the Carolinas Associated General Contractors (CAGC) have been elected to national Associated General Contractors (AGC) of America leadership roles.

CAGC board vice-chair Ty Edmondson, co-president of T. A. Loving, Inc., has been elected as the chair of AGC’s Utility Infrastructure Division (UID).

Meanwhile, Dave Simpson, CAGC’s president and CEO, has been elected as an officer to the AGCA Executive Leadership Council’s board of directors.

The appointments became effective in March during AGCA’s annual convention in Grapevine, Texas, that drew more than 2,000 participants.

CAGC first reported on the elections in its News and Events column on April 20.

Ty Edmondson
Ty Edmondson

As UID chair, Edmondson leads the division in making sure its goals and objectives are implemented and members served. The UID represents utility contractors engaged in utility construction, including water/wastewater facilities, pipelines, energy generation transmission/distribution, telecommunications and all other underground infrastructure and specialty work, including tunneling and boring.

The division serves as liaison to, and monitor for, other water, wastewater and utility owner and user groups in the public and private sectors, as well as governmental entities.

Edmondson has been active in AGC on the chapter level for years, having also served as CAGC Utility Division chair/vice-chair and being elected to serve in 2022 as an officer on the CAGC Board of Directors, beginning as vice-chair for the five-year post.

“Carolinas AGC, one of the leading AGC chapters among the 89 member chapters throughout the nation, is doing all we can to get more involved in the outstanding work of AGC of America so that we can help shape where we need to be on important issues involving the construction industry, from infrastructure funding to government relations to safety, and education and training,” CAGC quoted Edmondson as saying.

AGC’s Executive Leadership Council Board of Directors represents the 89 chapters in the national organization. Simpson, who was elected as treasurer last month to the five-year AGC ELC post, has been with CAGC since April 1989 and has been CAGC president and CEO for nearly eight years.

CAGC was named AGC Large Chapter of the Year in 2019 and in 2021 received two AGC National Awards for Public Relations and Workforce Development efforts. Simpson is a past recipient of the James J. Lowry Award for Outstanding CEO, the highest honor bestowed by the Association Executives of North Carolina.


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