Triangle voters considering hundreds of millions in bonds


North Carolina Construction News staff writer

Voters around the Triangle are set to vote on hundreds of millions in bonds in the upcoming election, including new parks in Raleigh and Wake Forest and a few big projects local governments have proposed.

Voters in North Carolina get to decide when a town, city or county wants to issue bonds to pay for big projects like a new school or roadwork.

There are more than two dozen local bond questions on the ballot across North Carolina, and eleven are in the Triangle region. They include:

Durham County

  • $423.5 million of bonds to build, expand and renovate school buildings and other school facilities, and for land acquisitions
  • $112.7 million for capital costs for an expansion at Durham Technical Community College, including construction of two new educational buildings and purchase of land
  • $14 million for capital costs to expand the North Carolina Museum of Life and Science, including expanding meeting space and HVAC system upgrades

Wake County

  • $530.7 million to construct, renovate, expand and equip school buildings
  • $353.2 million to construct, renovate, expand Wake Technical Community College

City of Raleigh

  • $275 million to expand parks, greenways and recreational facilities

Town of Wake Forest Greenway

  • $14.4 million to acquire and build various greenways inside and outside the corporate town limits

Town of Wake Forest

  • $12.5 million to acquire, construct and equip public parking
  • $23.7 million to construct, extend, widen, resurface, install and improve streets and sidewalks including bridges, grade separations, traffic and pedestrian signals, bus shelters, street lighting and other streetscape improvements
  • $24.4 million for various parks and recreational facilities


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