Town of Cary earmarks $7.3 million for housing


North Carolina Construction News staff writer

Cary Town Council has approved its annual plan for 2024-2025 Cary Housing & CDBG annual action plan and a goal to facilitate the construction of 226 new affordable housing units, preserve 29 existing affordable housing units, support residents experiencing housing instability and build nonprofit capacity.

A blend of federal and local funds will be used to support:

  • New housing opportunities: $2.195 million
  • Housing Rehabilitation: $2.030 million
  • Housing Stability Support: $1.208 million
  • Non-profit Capacity Building: $1.864 million

Funds will facilitate construction of 226 new affordable housing units and the preservation of 29 existing affordable homes. More than 15 projects will benefit from the fund allocations; organizations and project details can be found online here.

The town will submit the draft plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for final approval.

“We are grateful to our community partners doing this critical work to support Cary residents. This funding demonstrates Cary’s commitment to making a meaningful impact across the entire housing continuum,” said Heather Whelehan, Director of Housing and Community Partnerships.

Since the adoption of the Cary Housing Plan in 2021, Cary has launched several initiatives, including Stable Homes Cary and Healthy Homes Cary.


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