Sanford offsite home framing components manufacturer to invest $12 million for new factory

service offsite solutions
Image from Service Offsite Solution's website

The North Carolina Economic Investment Committee has approved state tax incentives for Service Offsite Solutions to construct a new building materials manufacturing plant in Sanford.

The company expects to invest about $12 million in the project. Local and state investments are projected to be about $3 million.

The business manufactures and assembles various framing sections, including floors, walls, roofs, for homes. The factory-made sections are then assembled on-site.

The company says that its system can reduce framing cycle times from 12 days to two days, and reduce the time for mechanical trades and insulation from 12 days to 7 days.

“We heartily welcome Service Offsite Solutions to Lee County – helping us to grow our local advanced manufacturing sector,” Lee County Board of Commissioners Chair Kirk Smith said in a statement.

“With Lee County’s location in the heart of North Carolina, placing us in close proximity to one of the largest home building markets in the US, this move will help further accelerate the impact of SOS on our county, state, and country. The company’s investment will positively impact our community and broaden our tax base truly making Lee County a place to live, learn, work, and play.”


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