NCCN publishes October 2021 issue

north carolina oct 2021 cover

The October 2021 issue of North Carolina Construction News has been published.

The issue includes several stories and features including:

  • LGC approves more than $600 million in borrowing for municipal construction, infrastructure projects;
  • Anticipated school construction/capital needs to reach $12.8 billion in five years: State survey;
  • NCDOT heading for massive $7 to $13 billion cost overruns based on STIP projections;
  • $2.7 billion The River District to break ground this year in Charlotte;
  • Technical leaders: Are you unknowingly tarnishing your reputation?; and
  • Projects and opportunities.

North Carolina Construction News continues to publish a weekly eletter update — you can request a subscription through the form on the home page or by emailing bu******@nc****************.com.

You can view the publication on page turning software here. If you wish to request a hard-copy printed issue of the magazine, you can place your order at this link.

For advertising and feature profile information in the upcoming issue, contact associate publisher Chase at ch***@nc****************.com or phone him at (888) 627-8717 ext 212.


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