LAMBERT wins Outstanding Design awards for two new projects

Salem college student center

LAMBERT Architecture + Interiors said that it earned professional recognition from American School and University Magazine for its two new projects in Winston-Salem and Durham.

The company received Outstanding Design awards in the Architectural Portfolio post-secondary category for the Duke University Power House building and for the Salem College Student Center.

The 15,000-square-foot Salem College Student Center, designed by LAMBERT, is a two-story facility that houses a bookstore, café, 100-seat theatre, student lounge, meeting rooms, an organizational workroom, and work space. It was built by Frank L. Blum Construction.

The building’s design on the densely-packed campus was a challenge, being characterized by retired President Susan Pauly as a “ship in a bottle.”

baker restoration duke
Duke power house restoration (image from Baker Restoration)

Second project was the Duke University Power House buildingin the West Village district near downtown Durham, N.C. This historic warehouse structure was originally constructed in 1926 as a power plant for the Liggett and Myers Tobacco Co.

The building is now being used to house the offices of Duke’s renowned Talent Identification Program (TIP). Renovations to the Power House have given the program 27,000 square feet of office space and multi-purpose areas.


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