Integrating military personnel, family members and veterans into the contracting workforce: WEBCON series

ncmbc event

The North Carolina Military Business Center (NCMBC) and the North Carolina Department of Commerce, Division of Workforce Solutions will co-host a no-charge two-part WEBCON mini-series to support the integration of highly skilled, transitioning military personnel, family members and veterans into the state workforce. This early October mini-series is a component of the NCMBC’s ongoing Federal Contractor WEBCON series.

The program’s intended audience includes “North Carolina federal and defense contractors seeking to employ the highly-skilled and trainable transitioning active duty military personnel, Reserve and National Guard personnel, veterans and their family members,” the program announcement says.

The webinars are conducted through Zoom — there is no charge to attend, but registration is required.

Sessions include:

Thursday, October 1, 2020 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Hiring Transitioning Military for Federal and Defense Contractors – Supply Side Opportunities and Challenges

Focus. More than 16,000 educated, highly trained and disciplined service members transition out of the military annually from military bases – in North Carolina. The North Carolina National Guard and Reserve components also provide a qualified pool of employable talent, while still serving their country. Military family members and veterans also bring tremendous skills to our state. Learn about: characteristics of this potential workforce; resources that the military provides to help these populations find employment; how employers can leverage transition programs to connect with talent; and challenges facing transitioning military and employers in growing veteran employment.

Thursday, October 8, 2020 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Hiring Transitioning Military for Federal and Defense Contractors – Demand Side Resources and Programs

Focus. The State of North Carolina provides outstanding resources to help federal and defense contractors hire highly-skilled transitioning military, military family members and veterans. These include short term training, apprenticeship and job placement programs for the veteran population, and employer training, orientation and recognition programs for federal contractors and other employers. Join this session to learn how your business can leverage these resources to recruit, hire and retain highly skilled veterans and military family members for your workforce.


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