Hercules Steel wins AISC Safety Award of Honor

hercules fayetteville

Hercules Steel Company, Inc. in Fayetteville has received the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)‘s Safety Award of Honor.

The award is AISC’s top safety honor — and Hercules is the only North Carolina winner among more than 70 structural steel facilities to be recognized by AISC for safety in 2015.

National awards are given in the categories of “Shop and Office” and “Field Erection” and include the Safety Award of Honor, the Institute’s top safety award, presented for a perfect safety record of no disabling injuries, as well as the Safety Certificate of Merit and Safety Certificate of Commendation.

Hercules won the award earlier in 1997, 2000, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2014.

“AISC’s annual Safety Awards program recognizes excellent records of safety performance, and we commend these facilities for their effective accident prevention programs,” said Tom Schlafly, AISC’s director of safety. “Periodic recognition of safety in the workplace has been demonstrated to provide worker incentive and a reminder of the importance of safe practices.”

The AISC Safety Awards program is open to all AISC member fabricators and erectors.


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