Fort Bragg opportunities: Acquisition forecast open house on Aug. 7

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The Mission and Installation Contracting Command (MICC) — Fort Bragg will be outlining the base’s acquisition fourth quarter forecast in conjunction with the 16th annual North Carolina Defense and Economic Development Trade Show in Fayetteville on Aug. 7.

Registration is free at this link.

A document outlining the event from the North Carolina Military Business Center says the open house for current and prospective federal contractors will take place in the Cumberland Hall Auditorium on the campus of Fayetteville Technical Community College (FTCC).

“The purpose of the DTS (Defense Trade Show) is to build relationships between senior representatives of the Congressional delegation, the Department of Defense, other federal agencies and numerous defense contracting firms, including North Carolina small businesses,” the announcement said.

The event will includes a traditional trade show with more than 100 indoor and outdoor vendors, static displays and demonstrations of military equipment, informal networking opportunities, live vendor demonstrations, structured prime contractor teaming sessions, prime contractor “lessons learned” forums, installation small business panels and contracting workshops and agency briefings for both prospective and current federal contractors.

Industries represented (among others) include:

  • Electronics and systems integration
  • Military housing
  • Tactical power supply and management
  • Installation energy and utilities management
  • Environmental remediation and protection
  • Logistics systems, maintenance supply and technical support
  • Surface geophysical, laboratory and engineering services
  • Federal and installation small business offices
  • NC support agencies and resources


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