Carolinas AGC to host panel discussion on finding qualified employees in Triad and Triangle areas.

gtcc conference center

Carolinas AGC will host a panel discussion on April 13 to begin designing a program to address the problem of finding qualified employees in the Triad and Triangle areas.

Panelist include: Pamela Howze, director of work based learning, NC Dept. of Commerce; Dr. Ralph Soney, VP corporate and continuing education, Guilford Technical Community College (GTCC); Lillian Plummer, executive director, Guilford County Workforce Development Board; Bob Grant, director CTE and college tech preparation, Guilford County Schools; Ingrid Bullock, executive director, StepUP Greensboro; and Donna Newton, director, workforce initiative, The Community Foundation of Greensboro.

The event at GTCC’s conference center starts with registration at 7:30 a.m. and includes a light breakfast with panel discussion to follow at 8:00 am. Registration is free at this link.

This event is being made possible in part by sponsor donations from Pilot Financial and Senn Dunn Insurance.

If you have any questions or need assistance in registering contact Bill Stricker at (704) 372-1450, ext. 5213


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