NCDOL: Ignore Threats About Labor Law Posters


The July-August issue of the NCDOL Labor Ledger reports poster companies that use scare tactics to sell labor law posters continue to harass North Carolina businesses. Recent letters obtained by the Labor Department threaten companies with $17,000 fines for having out-of-date posters. Business owners should ignore such letters.

Poster companies have been known to charge as much as $190 per poster. Every year the Labor Department receives complaints about letters, emails and phone calls from poster companies. The Labor Department will not fine businesses that have the old posters displayed. NCDOL inspectors carry the newest posters in their vehicles and will offer them free to employers who have out-of-date posters.

“We would never fine an employer unless the employer just blatantly refused to put the posters up,” Commissioner Berry said. “I don’t know of any employer who has refused to take a free set of posters from one of our inspectors.”

The labor law posters are required under North Carolina law. The posters carry information on the state’s Wage and Hour Act and what are commonly referred to as “OSHA” regulations, or the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

Businesses do not have to order a new poster each time a change is made. The Labor Department printed updated posters after Congress passed the changes to the minimum wage in 2007. Any business that received posters with the $7.25 per hour minimum wage does not need a new set. Businesses that need to order new posters can visit the Department of Labor website at or call 1-800-625-2267. The NCDOL poster page also includes a link to other state agency posters and to the USDOL’s Poster Advisor page, which helps businesses receive the required federal posters as well. Read More.