Qualified Builders, Inc. 12th of 50 Triangle fastest growing businesses

qualified builders award

Qualified Builders, Inc., based in Raleigh NC with an additional office Knoxville TN, was named twelfth of the 50 Fastest Growing Business in the Triangle for 2015 by the Triangle Business Journal.

The regional business publication partners with PricewaterhouseCoopers to analyze revenue, profitability and employment numbers for the previous three years. This was the first year that Qualified Builders, Inc. has been recognized for this award.

“Being included in such a prestigious group of companies, is quite an honor,” Qualified president/CEO Ronald Marsh said in a news release. “To be named to the 12th spot is overwhelming. This could not be achieved without a great group of associates, clients, vendors and subcontractors. We look to continue to grow and focus on what we do best.”

Qualified Builders will be celebrating their 20th Anniversary next year. The focus of this commercial builder is freestanding, one story projects such as restaurants, gas stations/truck stops, retail, auto parts and service throughout the southeastern U.S.


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