11 COVID-19 cases discovered among Appalachian State University construction subcontractors

Appliachian State University
Construction at Appalachian State University (from the university's website)

AppHealthCare has confirmed 11 additional cases of COVID-19 among subcontractors  working on Appalachian State University campus construction projects, High County Press reports.

Seven individuals are Watauga County residents and four are non-Watauga County resident. The workers were last on the university’s Boone campus between May 22 and 26.

All individuals have fully cooperated with isolation instructions and are recovering at home. Public health staff have identified close contacts, and they are in quarantine and will be provided access to testing during their quarantine period.

Current major projects underway at Appalachian State University

AppHealthCare and App State have partnered together with all construction contractors working at the university to conduct broader testing at worksites, including those that have not experienced a positive case to date, the newspaper says.

“It is important to remember that as we increase the prevalence of testing, we will see an increase in verified, positive cases,” AppHealthCare health director Jennifer Greene was quoted as saying.

“Broad testing is critical in order to identify how much the virus has spread to isolate those who are positive and quarantine close contacts. We appreciate the partnership of App State and all construction contractors working at the university to coordinate broad testing at these construction sites and prioritize public health,” she said.


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