Winston-Salem approves plan to renovate city-owned apartments


North Carolina Construction News staff writer

Winston-Salem City Council has approved a $750,000 plan to renovate ten city-owned apartments at 1200 Willie Davis Drive and 1635 N. Cleveland Ave. Work will include necessary repairs and updates, and landscaping, cabinets, countertops and appliances will be upgraded to match new apartments under the Choice Neighborhood Initiative on Cleveland Avenue.

Council Member Barbara Burke, who represents the Northeast Ward, issued the following statement today on the council’s action:

“For far too long, certain communities in our city have suffered inequities in housing. I am committed to not just talking about these issues but resolving them. Therefore, as it pertains to these properties, my goal is not to simply do a few minimal renovations. My goal is and has always been to completely renovate and upgrade these properties.

“Providing residents with upgraded homes is not an injustice. In communities that have been passed over financially for decades, these home renovations are what justice actually looks like. Now we are one step closer to giving residents the peace of mind they deserve by providing them with safe, quality, affordable housing. Due to prior communications with the attorney representing the tenants and out of respect for the attorney-client relationship, communications have occurred with the tenants through their attorney.

Burke went on to say she would oppose selling the building to private owners looking for profit.

“It will be my intent to include a declaration of a restrictive covenant, consistent with the city’s affordable housing ordinance, that limits the amount that any new owner can charge for rent for years to come,” she said in a statement. “My desire is that the current residents will be able to stay in the properties for as many years as they desire.”


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