Wilmington hosting open houses Aug. 24, 31 for transportation plan

Tyler Newman (user:tnewman39) - Creator of the Montage // James Willamor - (Copyright License Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.0), CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

The Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMPO) is working on a metropolitan transportation plan, Cape Fear Navigating Change 2050, to identify transportation needs for the region over the next 25 years.

The plan will include an evaluation of potential roadway, rail, freight, bus, ferry, aviation, bicycle, and pedestrian projects for the Wilmington metropolitan area, which includes New Hanover County and parts of Brunswick and Pender Counties.

Six public open houses have been held this month including:

  • Aug. 24 –  9:00 to 11:00 a.m., NHC Senior Resource Center
  • Aug. 31 – Noon to 1 p.m., Virtual, (link available at wmpo.org/2050mtp/)

Ideas can be submitted on the plan’s website at wmpo.org/2050mtp/. A survey and map will be available until Nov. 30.

Cape Fear Navigating Change 2050 will be the used by federal, state, and local governments to fund transportation projects over 25 years.  A long-range metropolitan transportation plan for the region is federally required and must updated every five years.

Visit wmpo.org/2050mtp/ for more information.


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