We Are All In This Together


Cynthia Mills, CAE, Carolinas Associated General Contractors President & CEO, addressed the American Subcontractors Association of the Carolinas Triangle Chapter luncheon yesterday in Raleigh on the topic: “We Are All in This Together.”

Mills shared timely information on how subcontractors can adapt to and survive current economic conditions and deal with an ever evolving Federal presence. She said contractors must focus both on “getting work and retooling their businesses for the changing marketplace they will face following the economic recovery.”

She said CAGC is engaging in new technology and partnerships to improve service delivery to its members. The CAGC President urged contractors and subcontractors to show proper respect for each other. “You should inquire, not accuse when problems arise,” she urged. “Be compassionate in the workplace.”

“The problem is we have too much communications, with email, the internet. Facebook, etc. What we need is proper communications,” she added.

Mills invited ASAC members to attend the Building/Utility/Specialty-Subcontractor Division (BUSS) Annual Meeting, July 22-25 at the Wild Dunes Resort on the Isle of Palms outside of Charleston. Presentation topics include: The State of the Economy—A Comprehensive Review; Federal Contacting, Stimulus and Construction; Washington Report-Healthcare Reform, Immigration and other Legislative Initiative Affecting the Construction Industry. Division breakout sessions will feature specific subject matter programs for utility building and specialty/subcontractor members.

For meeting details and registration information click Here


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