I-95 project top North Carolina project in Trump priority list: McClatchy

I95 north carolina
SatelliteI view of the I-95 corridor in North Carolina

The Associated Builders and Contractors of the Carolinas (ABC Carolinas) reports in its Carolinas Blueprint newsletter that President Trump’s team has started to assemble a list of 50 infrastructure projects worth more than $137 million.

Quoting from a McClatchy Newspapers article, the newsletter said the president’s transition team had solicited input from US governors. “The projects are in various phases of progress and range in cost from hundreds of thousands of dollars to several billion.”

Officials, according to McClatchy, are focusing on the public-private partnership structure for the projects included on the list, which includes a varied sampling of airports, roads, bridges, ports and other critical transportation-related projects across the U.S. for consideration.

In the list, the North Carolina project listed is the North Carolina Department of Transport’s (NCDOT) priority: Critical repairs for the I-95 Interstate.

This was one of the first sections of I-95 built and is ranked by the Federal Highway Administration as a top priority and one of the most critical highway repairs
needed. I-95 is the busiest interstate in the nation, and this section is a major freight corridor.

NCDOT estimates the project would cost $1.5 billion and create 5,400 direct jobs. Engineering and permitting is in progress.

See the full list of projects nation-wide here.


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