Social media


            The construction industry on Twitter – Feeds you should follow

By John Davidson

Special to North Carolina Construction News

I am the poster child for the idea that Twitter isn’t just for young(er) people. Because of its short, quickly read descriptions and ease of viewing, Twitter has become my preferred source for quick access to news and information of interest to me whether it is sports, news, or work. And, for professionals in the construction industry, there are many good and informative Twitter accounts that you would be well-served to follow. They provide timely content on a variety of subjects from procurement to highway construction to product information.

Frequently I hear from people in the construction industry (or law industry for that matter), “I’ve never ‘Twittered.’” Well, you should.

To get you started, I’ve pulled together a very quick (but good) list of Twitter accounts that you should follow.  Since hopefully readers of this article are not all lawyers, I am leaving off of this list several lawyers who do a great job of providing interesting content (such as Christopher Hill’s @constructionlaw). But here, in no particular order, is my list of informative twitter accounts construction professionals should follow.

  • @Hal_Good – Harold (Hal) Goode writes mostly about procurement.
  • @ConstructToday – Construction Today magazine is devoted to covering our industry.
  • @contractormag – Contractor Magazine provides news about “mechanical contracting, with articles on plumbing, hydronics, and hvac.”
  • @ENR_SE – ENR Southeast provides good articles and news on construction projects in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina.
  • @CAGCSCBldgDiv – Carolinas Association of General Contractors South Carolina Building Division has timely information of interest to Palmetto State contractors and others in the industry.
  • @CAGCHwyDiv – CAGC South Carolina Highway Division has timely information of interest to highway contractors.
  • @COAAHQ – Construction Owners Association of America provides great content aimed at construction owners.
  • And finally, @SCConstructLaw – where I will continue to provide good content on hopefully a more regular basis.

By no means are these the only informative accounts for construction professionals. I seem to find new ones every day. But, day in and day out, these accounts provide useful information. I’d love to hear from you on your preferred construction-related Twitter accounts. Feel free to send them my way. I’m sure that there will be a retweet or favorite coming your way.

If you have any questions, please contact John Davidson at (803) 540.2023.

            Davidson is a construction lawyer with Nexsen Pruet in Columbia, SC.  For more information see  And of course you can Tweet him at @SCConstructLaw.

            As well, North Carolina Construction News offers an integrated media promotion service combining social media (including Twitter), publicity features and more.  You can learn more from Phyllis Voss at


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