Rep Stevens Chairs Hearing on Proposed Revisions to Lien Law


NC Rep. Sarah Stevens chaired a stakeholders meeting on Wednesday to hear “views on a proposal by some construction industry stakeholders that the lien agent requirements enacted in Senate Bill 42, and taking effect on April 1, 2013, be restricted to improvements involving one- and two-family residences.”

Bill Patterson, Staff Attorney with the NCGA Research Division, set up set up a Google location for various submissions, both relating to SB42 and for other lien law revision proposals. Dave Simpson of the Carolinas Associated General Contractors submitted a draft for restricting the lien agent requirements to residential projects, while still protecting the subrogated lien rights for subcontractors that we fought so hard to obtain last year.

Two of the non-SB42 proposals are also of particular interest to the NC construction industry. One submission is a recommendation from the American Subcontractors Association of the Carolinas to fix the Pete Wall problem of liens on leasehold estates. Another proposal, was submitted by Safran Law Offices on behalf of clients who have had problems with discharging notices of claims of lien upon funds when the original notice was not available for filing with the discharge bond. Read More.