NCMBC offers training for contractors to access opportunities in $1.7 billion Hurricane Florence recovery

camp lejune
Marines from Mobility Assault Company, 2nd Combat Engineer Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, deploy a armored vehicle launch bridge after Hurricane Florence on Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, Sept. 16, 2018. Hurricane Florence impacted MCB Camp Lejeune and Marine Corps Air Station New River with periods of strong winds, heavy rains, flooding of urban and low lying areas, flash floods and coastal storm surges. (U.S. Marine Corps Photo by Lance Cpl. Isaiah Gomez)

The North Carolina Military Business Center (NCMBC) has scheduled training sessions on Dec. 18 to outline how general, sub and specialty contractors, suppliers and supporting businesses can access an estimated $1.7 billion in military base business opportunities from Hurricane Florence recovery work.

NCMBC says the program will be scheduled in two identical sessions, from noon to 1:30 p.m. and from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at the Coastal Carolina Community College, Vocational Skills Building Room 104 B/C, 444 Western Blvd. in Jacksonville.

Registration for the free program is required, at this link.

Recovery construction work is available at Camp Lejeune, MCAS New River and MCAS Cherry Point. Businesses will learn:

  • Role of key agencies and contractors in the recovery program – who owns, acquires, executes, supervises and pays for the work
    • Marine Corps Installations East (MCIEast)
    • Camp Lejeune, MCAS Cherry Point, MCAS New River
    • Global contingency contractor (ECC)
    • MACC holders – what/who they are, how they factor into the program (if at all)
    • Anticipated package single-primes, possible “sub-prime” general contractors
  • Scope and timelines for the seven hurricane recovery packages – and opportunities for general contractors, specialty contractors, construction suppliers and supporting businesses
  • Tools to identify, market and qualify your business to support package prime contractors, supporting general contractors and first tier subcontractors
    • hurricane recovery page
    • (interested vendors)
    • Consolidated teaming forums / individual prime teaming forums
    • Capabilities statements, marketing materials – value quotient for your business
  • Administrative and logistical requirements, including:
    • Teaming agreements
    • Insurance and bonding
    • Workforce, base access and certified payroll
    • Sources of supply
    • Dispute resolution and subcontractor payment
  • Resources to assist prime and subcontractors to compete, execute and logistically support this work:
    • Federal: MCIEast small business office, NAVFAC MIDLANT small business office, SBA
    • State: NCMBC, PTAC
    • Local: City of Jacksonville, County of Onslow, Jacksonville-Onslow Economic Development
    • Private Sector: Chamber, Carolinas AGC, ABC Carolinas, Defense Alliance of NC

“This basic-level training is oriented at existing businesses, active in the civilian market and interested in engaging in federal construction work at these installations,” NCMBC says in a statement. “Other participants may include current federal contractors that are interested in assuming greater roles in federal work through this hurricane recovery program.:”

If you cannot attend the Dec. 18 session, The NCMBC says it and Coastal Carolina Community College will co-host this basic training at least monthly through May/June 2020.

“They will also co-host intermediate-level training on key processes included in this training in future stand-alone workshops,” the statement says. “Related, Coastal Carolina will host a Trades Academy to prepare potential workforce for this work.  Interested businesses should monitor the NCMBC, Coastal Carolina and local agency websites for announcements of additional training opportunities.”


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