NCDOT to hold public meetings on safety and access improvements across multiple projects


North Carolina Construction News staff writer

The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is seeking input on multiple proposed projects aimed at improving safety and traffic flow in various regions. These proposals include safety enhancements on U.S. 301 and U.S. 70 in Johnston County and a key intersection improvement in Martin County.

Johnston County Improvements: U.S. 301 & U.S. 70

NCDOT is proposing to install reduced conflict intersections along U.S. 301 between Booker Dairy Road in Smithfield and Ricks Road in Selma to improve safety and reduce serious crashes. These intersections would redirect minor traffic movements to right turns, enhancing the overall flow of traffic.

In addition, a plan to construct a raised median along U.S. 70 between U.S. 301 and Interstate 95 in the vicinity of Ricks Road in Selma is under review. If approved, construction will include raised medians and traffic islands at the intersection of Ricks Road and U.S. 70, along with two possible concepts for a new access road to Ricks Road.

A public meeting for these proposed improvements will take place Feb. 6 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Johnston Community College Auditorium, 269 College Road, Smithfield. Participants can review design maps, ask questions, and provide feedback. There will be no formal presentation. Public comments will be accepted through March 6 via the following links:

Martin County Improvement: U.S. 13/17 & Main Street/Willow Drive Intersection

In Martin County, NCDOT is proposing improvements to the intersection of U.S. 13/17 and Main Street/Willow Drive in Williamston. A public meeting will be held on Jan. 30 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Moratoc Park, 102 River Drive, Williamston. This meeting will allow the public to engage with engineers one-on-one, review preliminary design maps, ask questions, and submit comments. There will be no formal presentation.

Project details and maps for this proposal can be found at: Public Input – U.S. 13/17 Intersection.


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