Griffin Electric wires new student recreation center at UNC Greensboro

unc greensboro rec center

 Wayne J. Griffin Electric, Inc. is currently providing installation work on a new, 216,000 sq. ft student recreation center at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

Skanska USA of Durham and Rentenbach Constructors Inc. of Greensboro are co-managing the project construction, which is expected to reach completion this fall. Walter Robbs Callahan & Pierce of Winston-Salem is the project’s architect, while Charlotte-based McCracken & Lopez, P.A. is serving as the electrical engineer.

The three-level, multi-purpose facility, will be more than twice the size of the school’s existing recreation center, and will include five basketball courts, two racquetball courts, a running track, a 14,000 sq. ft. natatorium, and a rock-climbing wall, as well as several fitness studios and weight/fitness areas, among other features.

Griffin Electric is responsible for the electric work in the recreation center and its 10,000 sq. ft. Central Utility Building. The work provided by the Griffin team will include the installation of energy-efficient LED lighting, lightning protection, teledata, audio/visual, fire alarm, security, and Blackboard Access Controls.

“Having worked on several UNC Greensboro projects over the past few years, it is clear that the school is committed to continually improving itself,” said Wayne J. Griffin, president of Griffin Electric. “We are pleased to be able to contribute to the electrical components of UNC’s new recreation center and help the school provide an assortment of health and wellness opportunities for its students, faculty, and staff.”


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