Deadline to Apply for NC Workplace Safety Award: February 15


The N.C. Department of Labor is accepting applications from businesses that qualify for a workplace safety award. Safety awards are given to companies that have above-average worker safety and health programs.

“A safety award shows employees and the community that you are committed to a safe work environment,” state Labor Commissioner Cherie Berry said. “A good safety record is something to be proud of, and businesses deserve to be recognized for their efforts.”

Businesses that qualify for the award must meet two requirements. They must be free of fatalities at the site for which they are applying. The site’s injury and illness rate also must be at least 50 percent below that of their industry’s average rate.

Award recipients will be honored in their communities throughout the state at safety awards banquets co-sponsored by the N.C. Department of Labor and local chambers of commerce and other organizations.

For more information on the Safety Awards Program or to download an application, go to the NCDOL website.  The deadline for submissions is February. 15.