CPN of NC elects new officers and directors


CPN of NC elected the 2012 officers and directors at its fourteenth annual conference in Hilton Head, SC.  The new officers are: President: Peyton Fairbank, HICAPS, Inc.; President-Elect: Michael Schiftan, DevCon Resources; Treasuer: Eric Wisco, Eric Wisco, CPA, and Secretary: Mike Burriss, D. H. Griffin Construction Co.

Newly elected Directors are: Todd Berg, Morris-Berg Architects; Janet Brooks, Clark Nexsen Architecture & Engineering; Chuck Cardwell, Sutton-Kennerly & Associates, Inc.; Carl Carney, Davie Construction Co., Inc.; Richard Conner, Conner Gwyn Schenck PLLC;  Alvin Etheredge, Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC; Joe Glass, Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC; Greg Mulholland, Preferred Engineering, PLLC;  Tori Small, Westcott, Small & Associates, PLLC;  Jude Starrett, City of Charlotte; Leo Stepansky, Shelco, Inc., and Ralph Stingo, John J. Kirlin, LLC.

CPN of North Carolina, Inc. is a statewide, non-profit organization of business and professional leaders who are involved with design, construction and related services.  Read More.


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