Comments on NC Lien Law Revision Proposals Due on February 15


In the Safran Law Blog, Brian Schoolman, Safran Law Offices, reminded contractors that while the most attention has been paid to the proposal to remove commercial construction from the lien agent requirements passed as Senate Bill 42 last year, a number of other proposals and technical corrections are also being considered.  One proposal Schoolman submitted asks the General Assembly to allow a contractor to file a copy of a notice of claim of lien upon funds, rather than the original, as part of a lien discharge filing.  Other significant proposals concerning lien law revisions have been introduced by the American Subcontractors Association, Carolinas AGC and the NC Bar Association, Construction Law Section.

Bill Patterson, Staff Attorney with the NCGA Research Division, has set up set up a Google location for various submissions, both relating to SB42 and for other lien law revision proposals. Patterson also requested that any party having a response or comment to any of the lien revision proposals should submit those statements by February 15, 2013.  Read More.