City of Asheville updates work on the Carter-Ann-Patton stormwater improvement project


North Carolina Construction News staff writer

Work is “progressing steadily” on the Carter-Ann-Patton stormwater improvements project, with construction on the S. Ann portion nearing completion, Asheville city staff said in an update as the project enters the next phase of construction.

Construction will extend toward Patton Avenue over the summer months, with the upper portion of S. Ann St. now fully closed to traffic.

It is anticipated sidewalk replacement along Patton Ave. will begin in late May with a “sectional approach” to the construction to reduce impact to pedestrian traffic. The first section to be addressed will be the area between Pearl St. and S. Ann St.

Improvements being made throughout this project:

  • Reduced area flooding and stormwater system upgrades
  • New ADA-accessible sidewalks on Patton Ave.
  • New high-visibility crosswalks in the project area
  • Street resurfacing with manhole utility cover adjustments
  • Lamp posts in keeping with existing historic style

The plan also includes planting trees on Patton Ave. that are more suited to thrive in an urban setting. Staff, with over 20 years of experience as an Asheville-specific arborist, assessed the project to provide several options for tree varieties as replacement options and worked with Urban Forestry Commission (UFC) for input and review of appropriate tree options.

Only those trees that cannot thrive in their current position or those discovered to have disease will be replaced.

Click the link for an overview of the project or check out this quick reference video.


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