Charlotte launches $6.5 million supportive housing grant with June 22 workshop


North Carolina Construction News staff writer

The City of Charlotte will issue $6.5 million in one-time, ARPA-funded grants to support local non-profit projects to increase housing for individuals or families.

The Nonprofit Supportive Housing Grants will assist nonprofits that serve residents who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or facing housing instability.

Nonprofits may submit applications for grants up to $2.5 million until July 14. A virtual application workshop will take place tomorrow, June 22, including a question and answer session.

Organizations should register in advance for this workshop, and a recording will be made available online.

Project and programs covered under this grant include:

Affordable multifamily rental housing, including new or natural occurring affordable housing developments:

  • Units should serve those earning 80% or below the area median income (AMI).
  • At least 20 per cent of available units must service households at 30% AMI levels.
  • Developments must remain affordable for at least 20 years.

Affordable homeownership, including new construction of single-family homes or townhomes

  • Homes should be available for residents earning 80% and below the AMI.
  • Homes must remain affordable for at least 15 years.
  • Projects are required to include a shared appreciation model (allowing the buyer to generate equity) or community land trust model (enabling permanent affordability).

Supportive housing developments

  • This includes special needs housing, i.e., housing for seniors, homeless residents, people with disabilities.
  • Applicants are required to have applied or commit to apply for financing via the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency Supportive Housing Development Program

Temporary emergency housing or non-congregate shelter

  • These units must be for individuals or families that are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Supportive services for those seeking and/or maintaining housing

  • This may include housing case management, housing search and counseling, employment assistance and job training, mental health services, etc.

Nonprofits will be notified of their application status in late Summer 2023.

To be eligible for this grant, organizations must:

  • Be a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations and have a current IRS Form 990 document.
  • Have at least one full-time staff person and an operating board of directors.
  • Have been operating in Charlotte for at least one year.
  • Have an operating budget of at least $250,000.
  • Have reported total annual revenue less than $7.5 million in the most recent fiscal year or have been founded between two and ten years ago.
  • Be able to demonstrate that the project/programming associated with the funding request will be in service of individuals/communities that have borne a disparate impact due to COVID-19.
  • Be registered with and have a UEI number. To learn more and submit an application, visit the city’s Nonprofit Supportive Housing Grants portal.


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