Carolina Structural Systems to open truss plant after receiving state incentives

Carolina Structural Systems

Carolina Structural Systems will open a manufacturing plant in Montgomery County employing 71 workers, Gov. Roy Cooper has announced. The maker of wooden building trusses will invest $1.3 million at a location in Star over the next three years.

“These good-paying jobs will put more money in the pockets of North Carolina workers and their families,” Cooper said in a news release. “Montgomery County’s central location and strong manufacturing workforce will help Carolina Structural Systems serve custom homebuilders throughout North Carolina and beyond.”

The company’s Montgomery County operations will employ designers, builders and management. Compensation will vary by position, but annual wages for the new positions will average $45,647. Montgomery County’s average yearly wage is $33,388.

N.C. Commerce and the Economic Development Partnership of N.C. collaborated to recruit the company. “Carolina Structural Systems brings experience and quality to North Carolina’s building products industry,” said Commerce Secretary Tony Copeland. “It’s arrival in Montgomery County creates a range of job opportunities in a community well known for its forestry and woodworking.”

Founded in 2016, Carolina Structural Systems designs, manufactures and sells customized wood-based building materials to the residential and light-commercial construction markets. The company’s Montgomery County location provides ample access to suppliers as well as convenience to growing residential markets across the Carolinas.

“Workers make the difference in our business and a big reason we chose North Carolina is the availability of a skilled and productive workforce,” said Carolina Structural Systems president Ricky Dyson. “Our team is excited to become an active partner in the Montgomery County community.”

Carolina Structural Systems’ expansion in North Carolina was made possible in part by a performance-based grant of up to $200,000 from the One North Carolina Fund. The One NC Fund provides financial assistance in support of local governments in creating jobs and attracting economic investment. Companies receive no money upfront and must meet job creation and capital investment targets to qualify for grant funds. All One NC grants require a local government match.

“Carolina Structural Systems will bring much needed jobs to the folks in Montgomery County,” said NC Senator Cathy Dunn. “I look forward to welcoming them to our great county.”

“North Carolina leads the Southeast in manufacturing jobs and Carolina Structural Systems is helping us maintain that number one spot by adding 71 workers in Montgomery County,” said NC Representative Justin Burr.

In addition to North Carolina Commerce and EDPNC, other key partners in the project include the North Carolina General Assembly, the North Carolina Small Business & Technology Development Center, Duke Energy, Montgomery County Utilities, and Montgomery County.


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