CAGC nominations committee selects slate for 2017 directors, executive

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The Carolinas Associated General Contractors (CAGC) nominations committee has completed its work and announced the slate of association executives for 2017 terms. They include:

Chair: Marty McKee, King Asphalt

Chair elect: Paul Mashburn, Mashburn Construction

Treasurer: Ron Brown, State Utility Contractors

Vice chair: Casey Schwager, Sloan Construction Company

Immediate past chair: Edison Cassels, Edison Foard, Inc.

Building Division chair: Todd Bulwinkle, Trident Construction Co., Inc.

Utility Division chair: Ty Edmondson, T. A. Loving Company

Highway Division chair: Kevin Burns, R. E. Burns & Sons Co., Inc.

Specialty Division chair: Michele Juba King, Juba Aluminum Products Company

Supplier/Service Division chair: Andy Culicerto, Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP

Directors at Large
Carlos Norris, Crowder Construction Company
Susan B. Lewis, Beam Construction Co., Inc.
Greg Hughes, Contract Construction, Inc.

Appointed directors
Mark Doran, Contract Solutions
Will Ross, Merrill Lynch

General contractor members may propose additional CAGC Board candidates provided five members submit the name to the president and CEO Dave Simpson by Sept. 15. When nominees are unopposed, they will be declared elected.


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