CAGC’s Dave Simpson amongst most influential lobbyists in North Carolina

dave simpson at legislature

Dave Simpson of Carolinas AGC (CAGC) has been ranked as 34th of the top 60 lobbyists working in the NC General Assembly.

Simpson, who is North Carolina government relations/building director for CAGC, has been with CAGC since April 1989, and is one of three CAGC lobbyists – including Berry Jenkins and Allen Gray – registered in N.C.

At the close of 2013, there were 768 lobbyists and 88 legislative liaisons with the NC Secretary of State’s Office.

Simpson helped lead efforts for successful legislation that will create a legislative blue-ribbon panel that will look at multi-billion-dollar public building and utility needs. He recommended permanent related funding sources – through the year 2025.

“We’ve got very strong players in the Carolinas, including Berry Jenkins and Allen Gray working in Raleigh, and Leslie Hope and others in Columbia, along with all of our CAGC members and staff, including our NC Legislative Committee Chair Bill Marshburn and CAGC Building Division Chair Susie Lewis, who have spent many hours over the past two years helping the industry,” Simpson stated.