FEDCON summit bridges government-business information divide.


Military and government agencies connect with constructors, designers, suppliers and service contractors annual Wilmington summit

The North Carolina Military Business Center (NCMBC) and Senator Richard Burr have announced the 2014 North Carolina Federal Construction, Infrastructure and Environmental (FEDCON) Summit at the Wilmington Convention Center on October 15-16.

Senator Richard Burr, Cape Fear Community College’s president, Dr. Ted Spring, and the North Carolina Military Business Center’s executive director, Scott Dorney, will kick-off the 2014 FEDCON Summit at 8:00 am on Oct. 16.

The “FEDCON Summit” will bring together over 550 representatives of construction-related federal agencies and installations, general and specialty contractors, designers and construction suppliers in North Carolina.  This year’s FEDCON Summit will host 100 exhibitors ranging from general and specialty contractors to designs firms and construction supply and service contractors to current federal prime contractors seeking North Carolina partners and suppliers.

“The FEDCON Summit is the premier, best-established and most-recognized federal construction event in North Carolina.  Summit networking and trade show activities allow businesses to market their services and products to over 550 general contractors, specialty contractors, engineers, architects and suppliers,” said NCMBC executive director Scott Dorney. “Businesses who are already engaged or want to perform in the federal market need to be there.”

Special guests include:

  • United States Sen. Richard Burr, North Carolina
  • Dr. Larry McCallister, director of regional business, US Army Corps of Engineers, South Atlantic Division
  • Colonel Donald Walker, US Army, deputy commander, US Army Corps of Engineers, South Atlantic Division
  • Captain Jorge P. Rios, US Navy, commanding officer, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Mid-Atlantic

“Program and Issues Dialogues” address future projects and acquisition strategies (by military and government panelists), contractor experiences, teaming and supplier opportunities (by industry panelists) and other issues related to acquisition and execution of projects at military bases and government facilities in NC and SC.  Environmental and infrastructure sessions provide information on federal opportunities in environmental engineering and remediation, energy and horizontal infrastructure (including roads and intersections, water, wastewater, natural gas and other utilities).

Others summit sessions address critical and timely topics, including supplier, service contract and public-private opportunities, small business programs and utilization, budget impacts, contracting processes and pre- and post-award legal issues for federal contractors.  Summit “meet and greet” sessions allow businesses to meet one-on-one and market themselves to federal agencies that buy construction, public works and engineering services and products in North and South Carolina.