WoodWorks hosts free workshop in Charlotte


The Wood Products Council’s WoodWorks program is hosting a free technical workshop, March 8 in the UNC Charlotte Bonnie E. Cone University Center (9201 University City Blvd).  The workshops will provide attendees with knowledge surrounding the latest trends and innovations for mid-rise wood construction and design.  Workshop topics and speakers include:

  • Timber Over Non-combustible Podium Structures –Presented by Scott Nyseth, P.E., Stonewood Design
  • Case Study – Podium Designs and Mixed-use Mid-rise Structures – Presented by Matthew S. Church, P.E., Davis & Church, LLC
  • Non-structural Provisions for Multi-story Wood-frame Buildings – Presented by James Churchill, P.E., Churchill Engineering, Inc.
  • Using a Wood Podium in Mixed-use Design: An Architectural Case Study – Presented by Michael F. Malinowski, AIA, and Lincoln A. Mortensen, AIA, Applied Architecture, Inc.

The workshop is free to attend and includes complimentary lunch. On-site registration is 7:45 a.m. The program runs from 8:15 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.  Eligible attendees will qualify for 4 AIA/CES CEHs or PDH credits.  The workshop is designed for engineers, architects, contractors, and others with an interest in both technical and sustainability issues related to non-residential wood buildings (including commercial, industrial, mid-rise/multi-family and other building types).   Seating is limited. To register, visit www.woodworks.org and click the seminar link on the home page.



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