Two “meet the generals” events scheduled in Februrary

abc carolinas meet generals
An earlier ABC of the Carolinas "meet the generals" event

Two associations have scheduled “meet the generals” events in February to connect general contractors and subtrades.

The North Carolina Subcontractors Alliance (NCSA) has invited “six of the top general contractors (GC) in Charlotte to participate in a panel discussion,” on Feb. 27, the association says.

“The GCs will have an open discussion with attendees along with a question and answer period.”

Topics will include a discussion of the GCs’ history in the area, current projects in preconstruction, what the GC is looking for in a subcontractor, current most critical problems, and pet peeves.

The program at the Crown Plaza, 5700 West Park Dr. includes a drink ticket and meal, and is open to members at $35 and non members at $50.

To attend contact Robin Gill at or phone (704) 578-1072.

Meanwhile, the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) of the Carolinas Triangle Council has scheduled a members-only “Meet the Generals” event at the Embassy Suites hotel in Cary on Feb. 20. Registration and further information is available at this link.


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