Samet/SRS offers learning opportunities in construction


Samet Corporation and SRS are providing learning opportunities in construction to students and rising professionals.

Samet/SRS developed a “holistic” program that is designed to provide a variety of real-world business experience through learning new skills, hands-on experience, and knowledge of real world scenarios that can prepare our students for career decisions.

“Our reach has involved middle school through college age students. For our middle school students, wehave hosted job shadowing days in conjunction with the Furniture land Rotary Club and the North Carolina Business Committee for Education. This structured initiative provides GCS middle school students exposure to the many careers outside the construction industry and from a Samet/SRS perspective; construction activities, budgeting, Building Information Modeling, business development and accounting,” according to a statement by Samet Corporation and SRS.

A team of Samet/SRS developed a GCS internship program for summer 2014. Offered to various classes at Weaver Academy, Samet/SRS provided multiple opportunities for GCS students workingwith project management, HVAC, and electrical trades.

As a result to the success of the program, Jordan Garner, a recent Grimsley graduate, has enrolled at GTCC and is a permanent part-time employee at Samet/SRS while he studies in the classroom and in the field.