OSHA proposes new reporting requirements for contractors and suppliers


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)issued a proposed rule that would expand its injury and illness tracking and reporting requirements, says the Associated Builders & Contractors(ABC).

Under the proposal, companies would have to report to OSHA all work-related fatalities and in-patient hospitalizations within eight hours. Under the current regulations, only fatalities and in-patient hospitalizations of three or more employees must be reported in that timeframe. The new rule also would require all work-related amputations to be reported within 24 hours.

Businesses that perform construction are generally required to keep such records, but OSHA is seeking to add “building material and supplies dealers” to the establishments that must routinely keep such records.

OSHA is accepting comments on the proposed revisions until Sept. 20. The preamble to the proposed rule includes specific questions and issues about potential alternatives on which OSHA would like to gather information.

In addition, OSHA launched a website June 28 that is designed to help users determine whether injuries are work-related and recordable under OSHA’s recordkeeping rule. The website can be found on the OSHA Recordkeeping Advisor website.

For more information on the proposed rule, visit OSHA’s website, or its frequently asked questions page. For more information on how to submit comments, refer to the proposed rule. Read More


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