Union representation rule overturned


Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) announced that the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia  overturned a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) union elections rule because it was adopted without the statutorily required quorum of NLRB members.

“This is a great victory for the merit shop construction industry, and employers and employees across the country,” said ABC Vice President of Federal Affairs Geoffrey Burr. “The new procedures, which went into effect April 30, made it more difficult for employees to make a fully informed decision concerning union representation.

“We said all along that the “ambush” elections rule was made in haste without regard or consideration to the proper procedures, and that the rule would have a negative impact on the nation’s small businesses,” Burr said. statutorily required quorum of NLRB members.

Under the overturned rule, the amount of time between a union filing a representation petition and an election taking place is reduced from the current average of around 40 days to as few as 17 to 20. Read More.


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