New ebook ‘Social Media and Marketing for A/E/C Companies’ now available online


A new ebook Social Media and Marketing for Architectural, Engineering and Construction Companies: What You Really Need to Know to Achieve Profitable Results , is now available. The online-only publication is authored by Construction News & Reports group publisher Mark Buckshon. (You can read the book on any e-reader or your own computer, or print out a PDF copy.)

Description: How can architectural, engineering and construction businesses profit from social media?  Learn the do’s and don’ts of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and other services and what you can actually expect to achieve establishing and maintaining profitable client relationships.  This 13,895 word ebook offers straightforward and practical ideas on how to put social media to work economically.

Robert Kruhm, publisher of North Carolina Construction News writes, “Mark Buckshon has written a primer about successful social media best practices among architectural, engineering and construction companies, an industry that has been traditionally slow to adapt and use new marketing tools and resources.  He recommends that business-to-business professionals wisely allocate their time in social media relationships. His most important social media success rule: Your results will depend on what you share and how you behave, far more than what you seek.”

You can purchase the Social Media e-book for $4.95 from the publisher Smashwords or through a diversity of online retailers including, the Apple IStore, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and others. The book is free to advertisers and sponsors in any Construction News & Reports publications including North Carolina Construction News.  To request your free copy, email Mark at bu******@cn***.com or Robert at rk****


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