NCLTA to Demonstrate QR System to File Preliminary Lien Notices


Contractors are invited to attend a one-hour stakeholder meeting on Thursday, February 21st at 10:00 a.m., in Room 424 of the Legislative Office Building, where David Ferrell, legal counsel for the NC Land Title Association will show a video demonstration overview of the on-line system to receive and manage notices to lien agents under Senate Bill 42.

Ferrell will have draft screen shots available to review for those interested. The on-line system vendor’s North Carolina manager will be present to facilitate the demonstration and answer general questions about the technology. Ferrell will also demonstrate the system for construction lawyers during lunch at Thursday’s day-long CLE program at the North Carolina Bar Center in Cary.

In a recent blog posting, Matthew Bouchard, Lewis & Roberts, PLLC, said he participated in a discussion about the on-line system at last Thursday’s Triangle Government Affairs Committee of ABC of the Carolinas. Bouchard said the proposed system will utilize “Quick Response” (“QR”) code technology to facilitate the filing of preliminary lien notices.  Potential lien claimants would download a suitable QR code reader app onto their iPhones, iPads, Androids or similar devices. The claimant would then find the project’s QR code in the permit box, using its smart device to scan the code. The app would then populate all of the project information necessary for the potential lien claimant to fill out and deliver to the lien agent a bit of information about itself, its contract and its scope. The system would then deliver to the potential lien claimant a receipt of the transaction.

If you plan to attend the 10:00 a.m. demonstration, you are asked to RSVP to Bill Patterson, staff attorney for the NC General Assembly’s Research Division, at Bi************@nc***.net by the close-of-business on Tuesday, February 19. Read More.