Local municipalities working together to ‘solarize’ the Triangle


North Carolina Construction News staff writer

The City of Raleigh worked with Central Pines Regional Council and 11 other local municipalities in 2022 and 2023 to complete solar assessments and install systems at dozens of locations.

The Solarize the Triangle program closed in September 2023, with the following results:

  • 81 kW of new solar energy capacity in Raleigh, producing 835,779 kWh of energy annually
  • $108,651 in annual savings for participants
  • $1.6 million in clean energy development

Officials say the community-wide  program will remove 560 tons of CO2 from the environment every year – the equivalent of taking 125 cars off the road or planting over 9,000 trees.

Solarize the Triangle is included in Raleigh’s Community Climate Action Plan.

The city’s first community-wide plan for action was released in 2021 and was developed with the help of experts, leaders, community organizations, and City staff. The Plan looks at Raleigh’s sources of emissions and offers strategies to reduce them.

The CCAP lays out a plan for Raleigh to:

  • Reduce GHG emissions from energy use, transportation and waste
  • Build community resilience to the impacts of climate change
  • Support climate equity in Raleigh


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