JK Huntley wins 30-contestant masonry apprentice skills contest

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Finalists in the 2017 Samuel A. McGee Apprentice Contest along with their friends: bottom left to right; Haran McGee seventh place, McGee Brothers; Kelby Thornton, tenth place, Huntley Brothers; Chaz Tomberlin, sixth place; Conor Hallman, ninth place; and Zack McGee, eighth place, all three of McGee Brothers Company. Top, left to right; NCMCA President Bob Gates; contest host Tom Fisher of Custom Brick & Supply; Cory Huneycutt, fourth place, Gates Construction Company; Kaleb McGee, third place, McGee Brothers; New Champion and David R. Sigmon Award Winner Jamison Huntley, Huntley Brothers; Ellis Baucom, second place; Eric Kee, fifth place, both of McGee Brothers Company; and contest chairman Kent Huntley (Image: North Carolina Masonry News)

For the second year in a row, a Huntley Brothers Company apprentice has won the North Carolina Masonry Contractors Association’s (NCMCA) annual Samuel A. McGee Memorial Masonry Apprentice Skills Contest, North Carolina Masonry News reports.

Seventeen-year-old Jamison “JK” Huntley won the award in a field of 30 contestants from nine NCMCA member companies, the association reported in its newsletter.

Custom Brick & Supply Company co-hosted the contest with the Raleigh Chapter on May 20.

“JK’s masonry instructor was his great-uncle Sam McGee,” the newsletter reported. “His was one of the last masonry classes that Sam ever taught.” He has been an apprentice for 18 months and is planning a masonry career with Huntley Brothers Company. (He will turn 18 on June 9.)

The importance of student/apprenticeship competitions: A viewpoint

The David R. Sigmon award first place award includes $1,000 cash and a wheelbarrow full of tools. JK  will be invited to represent North Carolina at the Mason Contractors Association of America’s International Skills Competition at the World of Masonry in Las Vegas in January.


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