How to get the most value from North Carolina Construction News


North Carolina Construction News has activated a new website on January 1, 2012.  We’ve been working with our web designer for several months to make the site easier to navigate and responsive to the business needs of Carolina construction professionals.

Articles from the print and digital editions of North Carolina Construction News  featuring successful construction projects are prominently displayed in an  easy-to-read format with photos and llustrations. The latest edition can be  read on-line with innovative page-turning software.  Visitors can use the search bar to find archived material by keyword. An industry calendar contains details about upcoming regional events. Readers can submit editorial contributions and event dates electronically. Current news content is divided into latest news, featured news and regional news. Photos accompany most news stories. Visitors are invited to sign up online for a free weekly news update.  Sponsors and advertisers are hot linked to their respective homepages so visitors can easily access detailed information about available services.

We welcome your suggestions and editorial contributions to make the North Carolina Construction News more relevant and informative for our readers.


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