Greensboro receives $7 million federal funding for community projects


North Carolina Construction News staff writer

The City of Greensboro will be receiving federal funding in the impressive amount of $6,966,279 for both Parks and Recreation facilities and the J. Douglas Galyon Depot. The US House and Senate Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations subcommittees voted on the Continuing Resolutions today.

This allocation earmarked for Greensboro will assist with the following community projects:

$4 million for the A&Y Greenway expansion

  • About three miles of the four-mile sidewalk have been completed and the estimated completion date is either 2024 or 2025. Last October Yates Construction Company Inc. was awarded a $14.95 million contract to complete 5,200 feet from Spring Garden Street to Hill Street.

$1.1 million for Bingham Park remediation project

  • The estimated cost for the remediation project is $11 million. Built on top of a pre-regulatory landfill, the city started planning efforts to redesign and improve the park in the late 2000s. These plans were stopped short in 2010 when the NC Department of Environmental Quality, or NCDEQ, designated the site as an inactive hazardous waste/pre-regulatory landfill, requiring remediation prior to the completion of park improvements. After an investigation in 2022, NCDEQ issued a warning not to drink water from or wade in the stream, or dig in or eat the soil due to “exposure to arsenic, iron, manganese, lead and semi-volatile organic compounds,” the city’s website notes.

$1 million for Windsor Chavis Nocho Community Complex

  • According to an update presented to Greensboro city council in July, the cost is estimated to be more than $70 million. The facility would include a recreation center, library and park at one site. The design phase is expected to be completed in December and construction will start in February 2025 and is estimated to be completed in March 2027.

“We thank Congresswoman Kathy Manning for playing a key role in our community receiving this much needed funding,” said Greensboro Mayor Nancy Vaughan. “The nearly $7 million dollars will contribute to quality of life projects, such as the Atlantic & Yadkin Greenway, remediating contamination and restoring Bingham Park, improving the historic J. Douglas Galyon Depot, and developing the Windsor Chavis Nocho Community Complex located in east Greensboro.”


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