Executive order puts limit on new state rules


Gov. Beverly Perdue said she’ll restrict new rules issued by North Carolina state agencies to carry out state or federal laws, a move she said will prevent bureaucracy from trumping common sense.

In a news conference at a Chatham County elementary school, the Herald Sun reported that Gov. Perdue ordered Cabinet-level agencies to avoid creating new regulations unless they’re absolutely necessary or protect the health and safety of citizens.

The governor also said her administration would embark on an annual review of current regulations and initiated a Web page to accept comment on rules. Her executive order taps into a common thread — government regulates too much or the wrong way.

“If you hate it and it doesn’t work in your mind, let us review it and if there’s no purpose, we’ll get rid of it or we’ll fix it,” Perdue said behind Perry Harrison Elementary School in Pittsboro. “This is a chance to have your voice heard and to help us bring to North Carolina commonsense together.”

Perdue used the school’s playground equipment as a backdrop because state childcare regulations previously prevented children enrolled in after-school care programs statewide from using playground equipment at the schools because they had different standards. The General Assembly changed that in 2009.

Cabinet agencies also pointed out two rules that Perdue said are in the process of being reworked. One rule in place could bar wind turbines or wind farms from being installed off the North Carolina coast because they aren’t classified as water dependent structures.

Plans also are under way to reduce the amount of bonding money general contractors for state projects must put up to land a state construction project. The bonding levels are higher in North Carolina compared to other states, she said, but that makes no sense when small businesses are struggling to survive.
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