Construction starting on historic Raleigh road


North Carolina Construction News

After years of planning, construction will start this fall on Raleigh’s Oberlin Road – one of the city’s historic areas.

Improvements to Oberlin Road from Groveland Avenue to just north of Roberts Street will reconfigure traffic lanes, add new bike lanes and racks, benches and better lighting. Aging sections of water and sanitary sewer mains will also be replaced or added.

The Oberlin Road project is part of the Cameron Village & Hillsborough Street small area plan that was approved by city council in Feb. 2018. The plan highlights the need to better integrate pedestrian, bike, auto, and transit use into a well-landscaped and attractive streetscape that serves people of all abilities. We call this a Complete Street.

City Council awarded the construction contact to Moffat Pipe, Inc. in June, and the $3.6 million project was designed by Clarknexsen. A public pre-construction meeting was held in September, to give residents and businesses the opportunity to ask construction related questions and meet the design team.

Work will include:

  • Installation of improved sidewalks
  • Improved pedestrian crossings
  • Extend sidewalks up Stafford Avenue, Everett Avenue and Bedford Avenue
  • Bike lanes
  • Street trees
  • Street lighting
  • Replace sections of old water and sanitary sewer mains.
  • The Wade/Oberlin Small Area Plan of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan recognized Oberlin Road as the “main street” of the area emphasizing the need to more fully integrate pedestrian, bike, auto, and transit uses into a well-landscaped and attractive streetscape that serves people of all abilities.
  • The Oberlin Road Streetscape Plan was adopted by City Council on Jan. 6, 2015. The plan focuses on improving the sidewalk environment.


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