Apple plans to add 237 acres to Maiden campus: ENR Southeast

maiden campus apple
Google Maps view of the Apple Maiden campus, along with its related solar power farm

Apple Inc. is reportedly seeking to expand its presence in Maiden, with plans to add 237 acres to its existing 182-acre campus, ENR Southeast reports.

“Four new buildings are reportedly planned. No schedules have been set for the project, which Dodge Data & Analytics estimates at more than $900 million.”

This development continues the already intensive work on massive server farm projects in Catawba County, with Apple, Google and Facebook “investing billions of dollars to build massive data centers in that area,” WCNC-TV reported earlier.

The Apple project, which the company’s late co-founder Steve Jobs described in June 2011 as being “rather large” has grown into a more than $3 billion investment.

The appeal of the area includes a stable climate and plenty of water, which reduces the costs of cooling the equipment.

Turner Construction is currently working on a $22 million data center in the area.


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