The Associated Builders and Contractors of the Carolinas (ABC), representing more than 1,800 member companies from every sector of the commercial construction industry, has announced its endorsements for the 2016 General Election
ABC CArolinas says in a statement: “These candidates were selected for their commitment to the ideas of open competition and free enterprise, and their efforts to improve the economic climate for businesses across North Carolina.”
The association says it will mobilize its members in record numbers this year to ensure that the following candidates are supported at the polls:
Donald Trump/Mike Pence
United States Senate
Richard Burr
U.S. House of Representatives
George Holding
Walter Jones
David Rouzer
Virginia Foxx
Mark Walker
Ted Budd
Richard Hudson
Robert Pittenger
Patrick McHenry
Mark Meadows
NC Supreme Court
Justice Bob Edmunds
Pat McCrory
Lt. Governor
Dan Forest
Attorney General
Buck Newton
Commissioner of Labor
Cherie Berry
NC House of Representatives
Marilyn Avila
Gary Pendleton
John Bell IV
Kyle Hall
Dean Arp
Rob Bryan
Tim Moore
Ken Goodman
John Szoka
NC Senate
Tamara Barringer
Michael Lee
Bill Cook
Phil Berger
Rick Gunn
Dan Bishop
For additional information please contact Chris Bullard, director of government affairs, at bu*****@ab**********.org.
The association invites readers to visit to find more information on key issues, banners/stuffers, and much more.
Image: Poster from